The Story of me2u

Once upon a time there was a princess that loved to shop. One beautiful spring day she happened upon a flea market and decided to give it a whirl. It didn’t take long for her to realize that this was the most splendid array of treasures she had ever seen! She found beauty in the charmingly tattered wares of the past. Suddenly her eyes met a scrumptious little vintage deer with big blue dreamy doe eyes. The princess quietly gasped to herself and gently lifted the deer close to her. “Oh dear, I love you”, she whispered. “Me too you”, whispered the deer.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My morning started with the thrill of the hunt....and I found some amazing new treasures! Today at the shoppe was very slow, and I shall blame it on an odd shaped ball wrapped in pigskin. I try to remain grounded knowing that yesterday was busy because it was my Grand Opening and many people came out to support me and my lil shoppe. I am pooped but still feel wrapped up in a blanket of gratitude! Each night when I turn off the lights before locking up, I whisper.."Good night store"

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